Bach Flower Remedies
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The original Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances, replacing negative emotions with positive.
These remedies effectively target common ailments such as stress, anxiety and sleeplessness. The Bach Flower Remedies are 100% safe and natural and work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications. They are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, the elderly and even plants.

Why we love Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies are a safe and natural method of healing and can help you take control of the way you feel, alleviate stress and get the most out of life!

You must try
The 'Rescue Remedy Drops', made with rock rose, clematis, cherry plum and impatiens can be helpful in situations of stress to aid in feeling relaxed, focussed and calm.